Courtis_Matsunaga / Anla Courtis + Kouhei Matsunaga

Anla Courtis, ancien meneur de l’étrange groupe argentin Reynols et Kouhei Matsunaga, oiseau aquatique d’Osaka partent à la quête d’un terrain de jeu au travers d’une grille de travail comprenant quatre stades de coopération : solo, re-mixage, collaboration télépathique, collaboration réelle (ou physique). Guitare, fragment de clarinette, voix, ongles, dispositifs électroniques, sac en plastique sont autant de témoins d’une communication interculturelle plus ou moins distanciée. Drone et nappes hypnotiques font osciller l’espace sonore jusqu’à susciter des turbulences enflant en une sarabande évoquant le rire animal. La technologie rencontre le mythe et le désordre. Une cristallisation de malentendus et de hasards. A noter la participation de l’actioniste Rudolf dans le 8ème morceau.
Anla Courtis, once leader of the strange Argentine group Reynols, and Kouhei Matsunaga, aquatic bird from Osaka, embark on a quest for a playing field via a working method comprised of four stages of cooperation : solo, remix, telepathic collaboration, and real (i.e. physical) collaboration. Guitar, fragments of clarinet, voice, fingernails, electronic devices, plastic bags, are all witnesses to an intercultural communication more or less at a distance. Drones and hypnotic layers oscillate the sonic space, creating swelling turbulence and a whirling mass evocative of animal laughter. Technology meets myth and disorder. A crystallization of misunderstandings and accidents. Note the participation of the actionist Rudolf in the eighth track.

1 – Amnesia of Amenesia
2 – Broken l also r
3 – Latest Research on Metaphysical Properties in Pochoclo Acaramelado (Part I)
4 – Latest Research on Metaphysical Properties in Pochoclo Acaramelado (Part II)
5 – Latest Reserach on Metaphysical Properties in Pochoclo Acaramelado (Part III)
6 – Sea weed rmx
7 – Telephatic Collaboration Monday September 27th 2004 at 23:55 Japan / 11:55 Argentina
8 – sudden collaboration
9 – togaria collaboration
tr1 – composed by Anla Courtis at oo(oo)oo studio Buenos Aires
tr2 – composed by Kouhei Matsunaga at FSGM studio / Osaka
tr3, 4, 5 – remix by Anla Courtis by Kouhei Materials
tr6 – remix by Kouhei Matsunaga by Anla Materials
tr7 – telepatic collaboration on monday september 27th at 23:55 Japan / 11:55 Argentina 2004
tr8 – real collaboration by Anla_Kouhei_Rudolf at FS313Left studio on Friday febrary 4th 2005
tr9 – real collaboration at F313Left studio on Friday febrary 4th 2005
Total time 62 min 58 sec
cover work : Koyxen
photograph : Toshio Munehiro